[jmm-dev] Another way to punt OOTA

Stephan Diestelhorst Stephan.Diestelhorst at arm.com
Wed Nov 5 11:44:32 UTC 2014

On 31.10.2014 14:19, "Doug Lea" <dl at cs.oswego.edu> wrote:

>On 10/28/2014 09:39 PM, Hans Boehm wrote:
>> Here's another conceivable approach.  This sounds somewhat crazy based
>> our prior assumptions, but it may only be mildly crazy, so here goes.
>I think some of the details are crazy, but I agree with most of
>the broad points:
>First, odds are that we will "solve" OOTA and related speculation
>constraints, but in a somewhat disappointing way: most likely by
>defining a form of "dep" such that (rf U dep) is acyclic, but where
>dep may sometimes be undecidable.

I keep thinking (feeling, really) that in most cases where programmers
would want high performance, it is relatively easy to make this dependency
chain should be obvious (i.e. not obfuscated through functions not
consuming their arguments etc.).  In all other cases, it should not be too
costly to force a reasonable serialisation primitive (fence-like) into the
right spots?  This seems to be the take from the N4216 document if I
understand it correctly.


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