[jmm-dev] VarHandle.safepoint() methods

Doug Lea dl at cs.oswego.edu
Thu Jan 5 13:41:51 UTC 2017

On 01/05/2017 07:55 AM, Doug Lea wrote:

> A complementary approach would be to allow programmers
> to manually insert safepoint checks, such that the JVM would
> not insert one if already there.
> As in  (for some field x, VH X, and local r:)
>     r = X.get(this);
>     ...
>     if (VarHandles.checkPointed()) // returns true if safepoint
>         r = X.getAcquire(this);

Or, more plausibly, using epoch-based indicators:

     r = X.get(this);
     e = varHandles.getEpoch();
     if (VarHandles.checkPointedEpoch() != e) // true if safepoint
         r = X.getAcquire(this);


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