[jmm-dev] Is the JMM spec progressing?

Hans Boehm hboehm at google.com
Sat Aug 7 22:13:25 UTC 2021

On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 2:28 AM Andrew Haley <aph-open at littlepinkcloud.com>

> On 8/6/21 11:32 PM, Hans Boehm wrote:
> > Probably even more controversially, I think we've realized that
> > existing compiler technology can compile such racing code in ways
> > that some of us are not 100% sure should really be allowed.
> This implies, does it not, that the problem is not formalization as
> such, but that we don't really understand what the language is
> supposed to mean? That's always been my problem with OOTA: I'm unsure
> whether the problem is due to the inadequacy of formal models, in
> which case the formalists can fix their own problem, or something we
> all have to pay attention to.
In some sense, I'm not sure either. The p1217 examples bother me in that
they seem to violate  some global programming rules ("if x is only ever null
or refers to an object properly constructed by the same thread, then x
should never appear to refer to an incompletely constructed object").
And there seems to be disagreement about whether the currently allowed
behavior is "correct".

On the other hand, in practice the weirdness doesn't seem to break things.
If you ask people advocating the current behavior, the answer will be
that it doesn't matter because nobody writes code that way. If you ask
people trying to analyzer or verify code, they'll probably be unhappy.
And I haven't been able to convince myself that you cannot get yourself
into these situations just by linking components together, each of which
does something perfectly reasonable.

And there are very common code
patterns (like the standard implementation of reentrant locks used
by all Java implementations) that break if you allow general OOTA
behavior. Which at least means that you can't currently formally verify such
code. The theorem you'd be trying to prove is false with respect to the
part of the language spec we know how to formalize.

It's a mess.

> > Demonstrably unexecuted code can affect the semantics in ways that
> > strike me as scary. (See wg21.link/p1217 for a down-to-assembly C++
> > version; IIUC, Lochbihler and others earlier came up with some
> > closely related observations for Java.)
> Looking again at p1217, it seems to me that enforcing load-store
> ordering would have severe effects on compilers, at least without new
> optimization techniques. We hoist loads before loops and sink stores
> after them. When it all works out, there are no memory accesses in the
> loop. A load-store barrier in a loop would have the effect of forcing
> succeeding stores out to memory, and forcing preceding loads to reload
> from memory. It's not hard to imagine that this would cause an
> order-of-margnitude performance reduction in common cases.
I think it would be a fairly pervasive change to optimizers. It has also
become clear in WG21, the C++ committee, that there is not enough
support for requiring this. In that case, Ou and Demsky have a paper
saying that the overhead is likely to be on the order of 1% or less.
For Java if it were applied everywhere, it would probably be
appreciably higher.

On the other hand, it's a bit harder than that to come up with examples
the generated x86 code has to be worse. Moving loads earlier in the
code, or delaying stores, as you suggest, would still be fine. The only
issue is with delaying loads past stores, which seems less common,
though it can certainly be beneficial for reducing live ranges, probably
vectorization etc.

But it seems unlikely that such a restriction will be applied even to
C++ memory_order_relaxed, much less Java ordinary variables.


> I suppose one could argue that such optimizations would continue to be
> valid, so only those stores which would have been emitted anyway would
> be affected. But that's not how compilers work, as far as I know. In
> our IR for C2, memory accesses are not pinned in any way, so the only
> way to make unrelated accesses execute in any particular order is to
> add a dependency between all loads and stores.
> --
> Andrew Haley  (he/him)
> Java Platform Lead Engineer
> Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
> https://keybase.io/andrewhaley
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