JOL is hanging when running from module path

Zheka Kozlov orionllmain at
Tue Oct 24 04:35:20 UTC 2017

I have the following program:

package org.example;

import org.openjdk.jol.vm.VM;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] __) throws Throwable {

and module-info:

module java9 {
    requires jol.core;
    requires jdk.attach;

Then I run the program with the following args:

java -p
-m java9/org.example.Example

The program is hanging with no output.

The cause of the problem is an empty
classpath: Since the classpath is
empty, the process is hanging infinitely

I think we should either skip the invocation of
ServiceabilityAgentSupport.senseAccess or fix it to handle the module path

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