RFR: Bring back support for GPR visitors

Martin Junghanns github.com+318788+s1ck at openjdk.java.net
Wed Apr 14 00:20:19 UTC 2021

Hey @shipilev First of all: Thanks for this useful library. I wanted to switch from jol 0.10 to 0.15 in one of my projects because of some issues on openJDK 15. I discovered that the ability to register visitors had been removed at some point. The interface `org.openjdk.jol.info.GraphVisitor` is actually still around. I find that feature quite useful as it allows users to compute some custom statistics of the object graph. I tried to use the `GraphLayout` to access the GPRs, but it's all package-private.

It would be nice if we could bring the feature back. Also, if you think the approach is not ideal, we can maybe figure out something else.

Thanks for your time.


Commit messages:
 - Bring back support for GPR visitors

Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jol/pull/15/files
 Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jol&pr=15&range=00
  Stats: 22 lines in 4 files changed: 16 ins; 0 del; 6 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jol/pull/15.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jol pull/15/head:pull/15

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jol/pull/15

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