JDK Modules

Benjamin Nice benjamin_nice at mac.com
Tue Sep 22 06:04:45 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I have been looking forward to modules in Java for a longtime. I attended the talks on modules at JavaOne in 2007. The second language I learnt at university was Modula 2. Anyway, what I want to ask about is level of granularity of the modules in the JDK. I would have though it would have made sense to split the likes of CORBA, Swing, AWT etc  into separate modules reducing the size of base JDK especially since some of these are getting a bit long in the tooth and there is a lot of java programs that don't need a GUI or CORBA. The only reason I can think of not modulizing these is out is if they are tightly coupled with the rest of JDK. I would love to here comments from the group as why the modules around the JDK is so course. I guess they could be made into modules later?


Ben Nice.

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