Combining a custom modular run-time image with a third party plugin system

Stefan Dollase stefan.dollase at
Mon Apr 4 16:01:12 UTC 2016

Hello EG,

I posted this question to StackOverflow [1], however this mailinglist might
be the more appropriate place for it:

Based on this [2] twitter post, I am going to assume that Jigsaw will be a
> part of Java 9.
> When reading about Jigsaw, I asked myself a question: What happens when I
> release my application with a custom modular run-time image, but a third
> party module requires additional JRE modules which were not released with
> the application, because they were not required by the application?
> Imagine an application that wants to benefit from the modularization. It
> provides a service interface that can be implemented by a third party
> module. The application loads all the third party modules which provide an
> implementation of the service interface when the application is starting.
> In my opinion, this is a great and easy way to provide a public API for
> third party plugins and I can imagine using this by myself quite frequently.
> Now, there is also a tool called jlink which allows one to create a
> release of an application which does not only contain the application
> modules but also the requires JRE modules. This is called a custom modular
> run-time image. The great thing is, that the release only contains the JRE
> modules which are actually used by the application, which prevents the
> release from growing very big in size. Currently, jlink will figure out
> which modules have to be included by itself. However, service
> implementation providing modules have to be included explicitly by the
> developer, see [3]. I think this is also great for many applications where
> the developer does not want to require the user to install a JRE.
> The problem arises when we try to use both in a single application: The
> custom modular run-time image only contains the JRE modules which are used
> by the application. However, a plugin might use JRE modules which have not
> been used by the application and thus these modules are not available at
> run-time. Thus, the plugin will not work.
> Here is the only solution that I can think of, however it is far from
> perfect:
> Include the missing JRE modules into the third party plugin. While this
> might seem to be a simple solution at first, it actually come with quite
> some issues.
> First, this requires the plugin developer to know which JRE modules are
> included in the application. If this is unknown they might include a JRE
> module which is already available in the application itself, which might
> cause problems. Thus, it becomes a part of the public API which modules are
> used by the application. I think this is not desirable, because it is an
> implementation detail. Also, it might change quite frequently.
> Second, since the available JRE modules are a part of the public API, they
> need to be specified somehow. While this might work via documentation, I
> think it should be specified via formal code. For example, it might work to
> use a requires public clause in the application module for all JRE modules
> which should be available to the plugin module. This makes these JRE
> modules available to the plugin, because the plugin will require the
> application module.
> Third, the question arises whether it is desirable to allow the plugin to
> use additional JRE modules. If it is not, there should probably an clause
> for the to specify that the current module is a plugin for
> a given other module. For example, instead of using require for the
> application module, one would use plugs in to or another notation for that.
> This would prevent the module from requiring any JRE modules. However, this
> is probably not gonna work, since other third party modules which are
> required by the plugin module might require additional JRE modules. Thus, I
> think it is tough to offer support for such a mechanism.
> Fourth, it is also tough to allow plugins to use additional JRE modules.
> This would either require the different JRE modules to be compatible in
> different versions or the plugin developer to always include the additional
> JRE modules in a version that is compatible to the version of the JRE
> modules in the application. I am not sure about whether the JRE modules are
> supposed to be compatible in different versions, but my assumption is that
> they are not supposed to be, because it would prevent many changes in the
> future.
> Are some of my assumptions wrong? Maybe it works just fine to include a
> JRE module in the application and the plugin? Maybe the additional JRE
> modules in the plugin also don't have to be compatible with the JRE modules
> in the application? After all, they might not interact with each other.
> How should we handle this architectural problem? Are there other languages
> with a modular and partly releasable run-time? How did they solve the
> problem?
> Please note that similar problems might arise with commonly used libraries
> like Google guava or the Apache commons. However, this question should be
> mostly about the problems which arise from using a custom modular run-time
> image.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:

Has this already been discussed? Any feedback is appreciated.

Kind regards
Stefan Dollase

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