Proposals for some open JPMS issues, #ResourceEncapsulation

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Thu Jun 30 11:13:07 UTC 2016


The proposal for #ResourceEncapsulation plans to drop the 
resource-encapsulation requirement. Have you thought about a "middle 
ground" ?

Possibility 1: resources in a module could be divided in two groups:

   always accessible: resources in "root" package and special 
directories such as META-INF/**, WEB-INF/** (dilemma: how to define 
"special directories")
   governed by qualified/unqualified package exports: other resources 
located in module subdirectories mapped to package names

Possibility 2: access to classes is by default restricted and explicitly 
enabled by package exports. Access to resources could be governed by 
special module-info syntax, modeled for example by file patterns used in 
ANT build tool:

module m1 {
     requires ...
     exports ...
     uses ...
     provides ...
     exportsResources *, META-INF/**, WEB-INF/**;

Automatic modules would "export" all resources. Module readability would 
not play any role in accessing the resources (as it is the case with 
accessing classes by reflection).

Regards, Peter

On 06/28/2016 11:47 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> FYI, I've just posted proposals for some of the open issues in the
> draft JPMS specification, including:
>    #CompileTimeDependences
>    #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes
>    #ModuleAnnotations and #ModuleDeprecation
>    #ResourceEncapsulation and #ClassFilesAsResources
>    #ReflectiveAccessByInstrumentationAgents
>    #BootstrapClassLoaderSearchInJVMTI
>    #CustomizableAutomaticModuleNameMapping
> Links to the proposals are available in the issue summary [1].
> Comments and discussion are welcome here on jigsaw-dev but, as usual,
> the best way to ensure that the EG sees any specific comment is to
> send it to the EG's "suggestion box" list, jpms-spec-comments [2].
> If you comment on one of these proposals, via any channel, please
> include the hashtag of the relevant issue(s) in the subject line of
> your message, to simplify tracking.  Thanks!
> - Mark
> [1]
> [2]

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