Security Software Users Marketing Data

Amy Saunders amy.saunders at
Wed Mar 9 15:06:30 UTC 2016

I hope you are the right person to discuss regarding our Security Software
Users Contacts details for your Marketing Initiatives like Email Marketing,
Tele Marketing and Direct mailings?
Security Software Users: - Check Point, Web Sense, Sophos, Watch Guard, RSA,
Palo Alto Networks, Cisco, Hexis Cyber Solutions, Tanium, Symantec, Blue
Coat System Users and many more
Our List Includes:- Company Name, Web Address, Contact Name, Verified Email,
Job Title, Application Type, Complete Mailing Address, Phone Number, FAX
Number, SIC Code, and Industry details.
Other Technology Users: - Oracle User, Sales Force Users, SAP User, Citrix
Users, Avaya Users, JD Edward Users, IBM Users, Microsoft Dynamic User, CRM
User, ERP Users, Sage User, Sugar CRM User and many more.
Kindly provide the following details so we could get back with the counts
and the pricing details.
Target Technology:
Thanks and looking forward to hear from you!
Best Regards,
Amy Saunders
Marketing Executive 

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