Fwd: Why can modules not be annotated?

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Wed Mar 23 23:42:07 UTC 2016

2015/12/11 8:58:28 -0800, pbenedict at apache.org:
> Since we've already seen the creep towards generating the Module Descriptor
> at build time, I think the area of tooling should not be neglected. Given
> that Oracle wants one file to express the module declaration, that doesn't
> mean Oracle can't help the tooling community by providing some standard
> annotations.
> In particular:
> *) Create @javax.tools.Export annotation that is @Target(PACKAGE) and
> @Retention(SOURCE) to avoid competing frameworks from providing their own.
> This is going to happen if Oracle doesn't. Notice I am recommending it be
> placed in "javax.tools" to indicate tooling support, and, it's discarded by
> the compiler. The latter will prevent any confusion about it existing in
> the binary.

New issue: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/issues/#ExportAnnotation

- Mark

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