Interoperation (Was: Re: Module-system requirements)
David M. Lloyd
david.lloyd at
Mon Feb 16 13:57:48 UTC 2015
On 02/15/2015 07:24 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2015/2/11 11:56 -0800, david.lloyd at
>> I'm concerned that the interoperation point doesn't quite go far enough.
>> It says "It must be possible for another module system, such as OSGi,
>> to locate Java modules and resolve them using its own resolver, except
>> possibly for core system modules."
>> I agree with this requirement, such as it is, but I would also assert
>> that it should be possible to retrofit not only OSGi but Java EE, Maven,
>> and even legacy "modules" like extensions and so on as modules. The
>> reason I make this assertion is that we have done all of these things
>> with success and (I dare say) relative ease, even to the extent of
>> achieving both EE and OSGi certification with such a retrofit.
> Can you explain what you mean, exactly, by "retrofit"?
We have implemented both a certified OSGi implementation as well as a
certified Java EE implementation which maps these specifications' module
concepts onto our own concept of a module. Also we have multiple
projects which consume Maven dependency graphs in various ways to map
these graphs onto our module concept, which works for the most part
(though Maven dependency graphs are often overly inclusive, since the
build system does not really do much to discourage erring on the side of
pulling in everything you can "just in case").
> Are you saying that the JBoss module system can consume Java EE WAR
> files, OSGi bundles, and Maven projects, as they stand and without
> change?
Yes*. This is because of implementation choices we've made - each
module is a class loader, and we can carefully control which classes
*and* resources are exported from one to another. That said, I do think
it's still worth exploring a different approach than ours regarding
conceptually combining resource directories and packages, which is what
we do today and is not without disadvantage.
* Occasionally there is a library that makes deep or odd assumptions
about the class path or class loader behavior, *but* in practice these
are typically older libraries that already don't work in EE and OSGi
environments. Overall we found that the vast majority of libraries work
just fine in our modular environment.
>> ...
>> To achieve this additional requirement does require a few very specific
>> implementation considerations but I do not believe that any of these
>> considerations contraindicate any of the other requirements stated here.
> Can you be more specific as to what those considerations are? Can they
> be expressed as module-system requirements?
In the case of both Java EE and OSGi, I think it's safe to say that you
need to apply a strict 1:1 mapping between modules and class loaders for
this to work. Also you need an API to allow run-time systems to create
their own configurations (we call them "module loaders", akin in purpose
and function to class loaders) and assemble modules from resources
(JARs) and dependency specifications, and such APIs have to be able to
relink modules or deregister modules to allow them to be GC'd (though
the boot module loader in our case does not expose relink or unload
functionality for obvious reasons).
OSGi specifically requires that bundle class loaders implement an OSGi
spec interface, implying that the module class loader class must be
extensible (as I said a couple of years back though, we make most of our
methods final on the module class loader to disallow any really bizarre
behavior, and this works well in practice). We also had to implement a
pre- and/or post-class-define hook per module to allow some OSGi magic
to happen. Finally there is a per-module fallback resource loader that
our OSGi implementation used for one particular part of the spec.
Java EE's requirements are much simpler and are satisfied by
module-granularity dependencies and (in certain cases) resource importing.
The APIs to do these things are all pretty simple though.
>> Thus I feel this requirement should be amended to something along the
>> lines of:
>> Interoperation - It must be possible for another module system, such as
>> OSGi, to locate Java modules and resolve them using its own resolver,
>> except possibly for core system modules. It must be possible for other
>> module systems to reuse the framework provided by this specification in
>> order to facilitate a standard, well-defined mechanism by which
>> different present and future module systems may interoperate.
> Unless I've misunderstood something, this sounds more like a research
> project -- a "meta" module system, in fact -- which is well outside the
> scope of this JSR.
Maybe, but I contend that a lot (enough, insofar as any amount is ever
enough) of research has been done, and that in any event there will have
to be an API which implements the functionality of this JSR anyway, and
it will be used as such no matter our intent so IMO it's best to use
what has been learned to solve the problem in the best manner possible.
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