
mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Mon Mar 9 21:03:18 UTC 2015

2015/2/20 2:23 -0800, david.lloyd at
> ...
> Relatedly, the Encapsulation point is somewhat weaker than some of its 
> elder cousins in the old Jigsaw draft requirements, in that it doesn't 
> come out and say that the language needs a per-module class/member 
> access level.  I'm not sure if it's just something that we need to visit 
> once we start talking about implementation, or if the concept was 
> abandoned in favor of visibility-style controls as the requirements 
> presently seem to imply, by my reading anyway.

The Encapsulation requirement, as stated, is very much about access
control rather than visibility:

  - _Encapsulation_ --- The access-control mechanisms of the Java
    language and virtual machine must prevent code from accessing classes
    and interfaces in packages that are not exported by their containing
    modules, or in packages whose containing modules are not required by
    the module containing the code.  These mechanisms must be operative
    even when a security manager is not present.

- Mark

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