Configurations... (Was: Re: Module-system requirements)

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Wed Mar 25 22:50:12 UTC 2015

2015/3/17 6:02 -0700, david.lloyd at
> On 03/16/2015 03:44 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>> 2015/3/11 6:38 -0700, david.lloyd at
>>> ...
>>> Maybe what we need is a clearer definition of "Configuration" as it is
>>> only defined as a side-effect of Resolution: "The resulting
>>> configuration contains all of the code and data required to compile or
>>> run the initial module."   And Linking is AFAICT the first section that
>>> implies that Configurations actually contain modules in any way.  This
>>> might help me understand what a tree topology actually means.
>> A configuration is the result of resolution and service binding.  You
>> can think of it as a graph, with modules for nodes, edges for module
>> dependences, and edges (of a different color) for service-provider
>> bindings.
>> I'm pretty sure that a configuration, in this sense, is not analogous
>> to what you call a module loader in your system.  A configuration can
>> be loaded by a single class loader, multiple class loaders, or even one
>> class loader per module, but the module system shouldn't mandate any
>> particular approach.

To clarify further:

The term "configuration", as used in the requirements document, is meant
to be abstract.  It's the concept of a set of modules related via the
resolution and service-binding processes -- which need not be performed
solely at startup, nor necessarily as single steps.  The requirements
don't mandate a programmatic representation of those relations, though
having one can be convenient.

> In our case the module loader is the instigator (not the result) of 
> resolution.  Resolution happens lazily, very much like class loading. 
> The result of resolution is thus completely abstract and not represented 
> programmatically.  This also means that there is no single resolve step 
> at run time; instead each module is efficiently linked as it is loaded 
> using a relatively simple traversal algorithm, regardless of what module 
> loader contains the dependency being linked in, which allows the system 
> to support an unbounded number of modules.  Any expensive or complex 
> resolution processes are part of build or distribution.

Based on what you describe, it sounds like your module loaders can be
viewed as agents that incrementally compute configurations, though they
don't represent them explicitly.

>> If you build a dynamic configuration on top of the initial configuration,
>> and then another on top of that, as you might do in something like an
>> application server, then the union of their graphs will be a DAG (at
>> least) but the configurations themselves are just in a list, somewhat
>> like a search path.  You can imagine having multiple such lists sharing
>> prefixes, i.e., a tree of configurations, but to resolve a dependence in
>> any particular configuration you only need to consult its parent
>> configurations.
> OK, but if (say) a dynamic configuration can override service-provider 
> bindings, then how does a parent configuration know to use the 
> overridden bindings for services it provides?

I don't know, but I think that's a design issue we can work out later on.
The proposed "selective binding" requirement already gives applications
the ability to control how service providers are chosen when using
dynamic configurations.

>> If configurations can be related in a more general way, i.e., in a DAG,
>> then the resolution algorithm becomes more complex.  Do we actually need
>> that?  I've yet to see any use cases.
> I don't know about framing in terms of configurations, because we don't 
> do that.  But I think that modules from one system should be able to 
> express dependencies on other modules from any other system regardless 
> of their relationship, at least on a programmatic basis.  This is 
> necessary if you want two completely different module systems to 
> interact, because you cannot always assume that (for example) one 
> namespace can just be polluted with names from another (parent) 
> namespace, nor can you assume that a given configuration would only ever 
> want to interact (link) with one other configuration (this is akin to 
> the logic of moving away from a strict class loader hierarchy).

Okay, I'll rewrite the "Nested dynamic configurations" requirement as:

  - _Composable dynamic configurations_ --- An application must be able
    to create a dynamic configuration that relates to one or more
    existing configurations rather than solely to the application's
    initial configuration.

- Mark

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