Proposal: #ModuleNameCharacters (revised)

Remi Forax forax at
Sat Dec 10 07:51:09 UTC 2016

Same here :)


On December 9, 2016 10:48:54 PM GMT+01:00, "David M. Lloyd" <david.lloyd at> wrote:
>+1 here
>On 12/09/2016 03:45 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>> Issue summary
>> -------------
>>   #ModuleNameCharacters --- Module names are presently constrained to
>>   be Java identifiers.  Some existing module systems allow additional
>>   characters in module names, such as hyphens and slashes.  Should
>>   restriction be lifted or, perhaps, should it somehow be made
>>   layer-specific? [1]
>> Proposal
>> --------
>> Do not change the treatment of module names in source code; they will
>> remain qualified names.  Revise the encoding of module names in
>> module-declaration class files to lift the current constraints but
>> new, less onerous constraints that still provide for the future
>> of the platform.  Revise the format of class files to structure
>> and package names in a manner consistent with that already used for
>> kinds of constrained names.
>>                                   * * *
>> Modules are a new construct of the Java programming language in the
>> present design.  In the source language they are hence identified by
>> qualified names [2] in the same manner as the existing structural
>> constructs, i.e., packages and classes.  As such these names do allow
>> some unusual characters, though not hyphens or slashes [3].
>> In the very long term a future version of the language may well
>> not just the declaration of modules, and of relationships between
>> but also the expression of operations upon them as is possible in,
>> Standard ML [4], or qualified references in code to a type in some
>> named module, or yet some other kind of use that we do not imagine
>> It would hence be unwise at this point to allow module names in
>> code to be any different in nature than the other kinds of qualified
>> names already in the language.
>> We will therefore retain the present constraints on module names in
>> source language and also continue to enforce those constraints in the
>> `ModuleDescriptor.Builder` API, which is intended to be consistent
>> the language.  (The `ModuleDescriptor` API will continue to be able
>> read class files that contain module names not expressible in the
>> language.)
>>                                   * * *
>> Module names in compiled module-declaration class files are presently
>> encoded in the internal form traditionally used for qualified names:
>> Periods (`.`) are replaced with forward slashes (`/`), and periods,
>> semicolons (`;`), and left square brackets (`[`) are forbidden [5].
>> This encoding is inconvenient for other module systems that may
>> interoperate with JPMS, so we will abandon it for module names
>> the fact that doing so will increase the complexity of any code that
>> parses class files.
>> To allow for the future evolution of the platform we propose a
>> less onerous encoding of module names in class files:
>>   - If at some future point we find that we need to add structure to
>>     module names, or combine module names with qualified type names,
>>     then the `:` character would be a good candidate, even in the
>>     source language if need be, so we reserve that character now.
>>   - We presently use `@` in the API to separate module names from
>>     version strings, where available, so it is prudent to reserve
>>     that character in module names in class files also, just in case
>>     we someday decide to introduce compound module identifiers that
>>     combine module names with version strings.
>>   - In further support of interoperation we will reserve the
>>     escape character (`\`) and define the sequences `\\`, `\:`, and
>>     `\@` to stand for `\`, `:`, and `@`, respectively.
>>   - We will finally, for sanity, forbid any character whose Unicode
>>     point is less than 0x20 (` `).  (Ideally we'd forbid all Unicode
>>     non-printing characters, but it's best not to have the JVMS
>>     too deeply upon details of the Unicode specification.)
>> To sum up: In module names in class files reserve `:` and `@` for
>> use; reserve `\` as an escape character and use it to quote itself,
>> and `@`; and forbid the non-printing ASCII characters (< 0x20).
>>                                   * * *
>> The first version of this proposal [6] claimed that the present
>design is
>> consistent with the existing treatment of qualified names in class
>> That is, in fact, not true, since qualified names in class files
>> are always wrapped in tagged constant-pool structures rather than
>> `CONSTANT_Utf8_info` structures.  Class names, e.g., are wrapped in
>> `CONSTANT_Class_info` structures, which in turn reference the `Utf8`
>> structures that represent the actual class names [7].
>> To address this inconsistency, and particularly in light of the new
>> encoding of module names described above, we propose to use
>> kinds of class-file structures for module and package names.
>> Module names in a compiled module-declaration class file will be
>> as above and wrapped in tagged `CONSTANT_Module_info` structures:
>>     CONSTANT_Module_info {
>>         u1 tag;                 // == CONSTANT_Module == 19
>>         u2 name_index;          // Index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info
>>     }
>> Package names in class files will be encoded in the traditional
>> form and wrapped in tagged `CONSTANT_Package_info` structures:
>>     CONSTANT_Package_info {
>>         u1 tag;                 // == CONSTANT_Package == 20
>>         u2 name_index;          // Index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info
>>     }
>> Existing references in the class-file format to module and package
>> will be adjusted to refer to these new kinds of tagged structures.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
>> [7]
>- DML

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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