Proposal: #BootstrapClassLoaderSearchInJVMTI

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Wed Jun 29 23:31:00 UTC 2016

2016/6/29 3:45:53 -0700, tim_ellison at
> mark.reinhold at (Mark Reinhold) wrote on 28/06/2016 22:22:15:
>> Issue summary
>> -------------
>>  #BootstrapClassLoaderSearchInJVMTI --- The JVM TI API [1] defines a
>>  function, `AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch` [2], by which an
>>  instrumentation agent can append a file-system path element to the
>>  bootstrap class loader's class path.  ...
>> Proposal
>> --------
>> Retain this method.  Do not deprecate it.
> What would be the effect calling this function on a modular runtime when
> passed a directory search path segment? a modular JAR? a regular JAR?

It will work just as it does today.

If the bootstrap class loader cannot locate a suitable class file within
the run-time system then it will consult the path defined by calls to
this function.  Each element of the path can be either a JAR file or an
"exploded" directory tree corresponding to a package hierarchy.  Whether
a JAR file is a modular JAR is of no import -- any module descriptor
within it will be ignored.

- Mark

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