Draft JPMS Public Review specification

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Thu Mar 9 16:54:53 UTC 2017

2017/3/8 14:48:13 -0800, Robert Scholte <rfscholte at apache.org>:
> I agree with David. There are still quite some topics marked as "Proposal  
> posted or discussion active" of which I don't know what the final  
> resolution would be. And for a few I know they will have impact on other  
> topics as well.

The JCP does not require that every open issue be resolved prior
to Public Review, only that issues be documented and tracked.

As I said, I expect the resolution of the remaining open issues
to require at most modest adjustments to the final draft, but I'm
open to arguments to the contrary.

> I will go through the list and return with a concrete list of remarks.

I look forward to your feedback.

- Mark

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