Concerns mapping existing dynamic module systems to a 1-1 Module->Layer

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at
Thu Mar 9 18:26:40 UTC 2017

On 03/09/2017 11:33 AM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2017/3/9 5:47:24 -0800, tjwatson at
>> ...
>> My other concern is about perception.  It will not look good if an
>> existing module system specification cannot take advantage of the new Java
>> language features that are targeting modularity front and center.  I think
>> it is in the best interests of our communities to make this possible.
> I think it is in the best interest of the entire Java ecosystem to
> deliver on our commitments rather than argue, ad infinitum, about
> features which are not required in order to meet those commitments
> and which could impose undesirable constraints on the long-term
> evolution of the Java SE Platform.

There are plenty of behaviors in the implementation that are not in the 
specification, and there are things missing from the specification, 
which is why we have raised issues.  We also have a commitment to 
attempt to achieve some form of consensus, and to represent the needs of 
the community.

And the constraints still have not been quantified.


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