Concerns mapping existing dynamic module systems to a 1-1 Module->Layer
mark.reinhold at
mark.reinhold at
Thu Mar 9 19:06:13 UTC 2017
2017/3/8 14:17:03 -0800, david.lloyd at
> ...
> This additional complexity that these extra methods is supposed to
> introduce has never been quantified. The only concrete measure we have
> right now is the dozen-odd lines of code that the proposed patch would
> add. If we can't concretely quantify this complexity, and it is the
> justification for denying this request, then we cannot reach consensus
> because there's no way to have a rational discussion about it.
You are asking for the impossible. I could quantify this complexity
today, but that would tell us very little about the future. I cannot
peer into the future, inspect all plausible evolutionary timelines of
the Java SE Platform, and come back to you with any kind of measurement
of the potential long-term impact of these additional methods.
What I can do is apply my judgement and experience, together with that
of engineers who have vastly more experience than I -- or you -- in the
implementation of high-performance, production-quality JVMs.
You are free to disagree with the conclusion that I have reached by this
method, but that does not mean that rational discussion is not possible.
- Mark
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