Layer Primitives (2/3): addUses()
David M. Lloyd
david.lloyd at
Wed May 10 20:48:08 UTC 2017
I'd like to re-propose adding the following method to the layer
controller specification and implementation [1].
• No new functionality is introduced to the specification or
implementation by this method, other than to simplify access for layer
• Module#addUses() exists and does the exact same thing.
• It is not reasonable to require containers to generate bytecode within
their contained modules in order to call this method.
• Since Module#addUses() exists, there is no scenario in which adding
this primitive to the layer controller could possibly cause any form of
liability or technical debt that does not already exist.
• The controller is only available to user-defined Layers, so there is
no risk to the platform, jlink, etc.
• The patch itself is very small and simple, and should be very low-risk.
None that I am aware of.
Patch information:
The content and format of the JavaDoc are drawn from neighboring
methods. I relinquish any copyright claim to the patch in this mail.
Please do not get bogged down by any formatting problems introduced by
the mailing list; the purpose of directly including the patch is to give
a clear, unambiguous subject for discussion. I can provide a proper
webrev (or whatever other form is requested) if needed. This patch
applies atop the previous (1/3) patch, but can trivially be applied
without it as well.
diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/
index e224b4a..7f52b7c 100644
--- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/
+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/
@@ -303,6 +303,33 @@ public final class ModuleLayer {
return this;
+ /**
+ * Updates module {@code source} in the layer to add a
+ * service dependence on the given service type. This method is
+ * a no-op when invoked on an unnamed module or an automatic
+ *
+ * @param service
+ * The service type
+ *
+ * @return this module
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalStateException
+ * If this is a named module and the caller is not this
+ *
+ * @see Module#addUses(Class)
+ * @see ModuleDescriptor#uses()
+ */
+ public Controller addUses(Module source, Class<?> service) {
+ Objects.requireNonNull(service);
+ if (source.isNamed() && !
source.getDescriptor().isAutomatic()) {
+ ensureInLayer(source);
+ source.implAddUses(service);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
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