Proposed schedule change for JSR 376

Stefan Fuchs snfuchs at
Wed Dec 2 19:37:26 UTC 2015

Hi Mark,

have you considered delaying full Jigsaw support to Java 10?
In this scenario Java9 could lay the groundwork for project Jigsaw and 
other important features would not be delayed.
After an earlier release of Java9 applications and frameworks could be 
gradually adapted to use the newly created public apis, instead of using 
internal apis, before the hammer finally hits with Java 10.


> The original schedule for this JSR [1] envisioned an Early Draft Review
> in June 2015, Public Review in October 2015, and a Final Release in March
> 2016.
> Given that we have many open discussion threads (which I hope to catch up
> on soon) and have yet to publish an EDR, I hereby propose a new schedule:
>      Early Draft Review      January 2016
>      Public Review           June 2016
>      Proposed Final Draft    December 2016
>      Final Release           March 2017
> Please let me know by this time next week (18:00 UTC next Tuesday, 8
> December) of any objections to this proposal.  (Wearing a different hat,
> I will propose a similar revision to the JDK 9 schedule in a moment.)
> - Mark
> [1]

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