Module descriptions versus module descriptors
Ali Ebrahimi
ali.ebrahimi1781 at
Thu Dec 10 08:34:22 UTC 2015
On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 4:56 AM, <mark.reinhold at> wrote:
> 2015/10/20 4:27 -0700, david.lloyd at
> > I see no logical path that leads from the requirements as specified
> > exclusively to the assumption that the descriptor must be bytecode, let
> > alone part of the JVM and/or language specification. All the reasons
> > given appear to be self-justifying or based on abstract assumptions,
> > e.g. "modules are... a new kind of Java program component... therefore
> > [Jigsaw] treats them as such".
> I agree that there are other ways to represent module descriptions.
> I've never stated otherwise.
> If module boundaries, however they're expressed, are to be enforced by
> the compiler and the VM -- as you've agreed elsewhere -- then their
> manner of expression is inevitably going to be a topic for the Java
> language and VM specifications. This is not avoidable.
> > ... it seems to me that a significant part of the Jigsaw
> > design justification for its handling of module metadata hinges around
> > the conflation of the description of a module, and the descriptor used
> > by the static module loading implementation. This raises a red flag for
> > me because it fundamentally locks the capabilities of module
> > descriptions to whatever makes sense to express in the descriptor, and
> > then in turn constrains these things to the language and JVM
> specification.
> >
> > In our (JBoss) module system, these concepts are decoupled: a filesystem
> > module's descriptor is read and parsed into a description which is then
> > consumed by the module system to create the module. ...
> If module boundaries are to be enforced by the compiler and the VM then,
> in such a decoupled system, where and in what form does the compiler
> locate the information that describes the module being compiled, and any
> other modules required in order to compile that module?
agreed. language part of spec excludes to java language developers so other
language developers can use whatever format they want, but final food for
jvm would be module-info.class.
I wonder why ceylon had chosen module.ceylon for module descriptions (and
not stayed with module.xml files).
Best Regards,
Ali Ebrahimi
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