Module descriptions versus module descriptors
Paul Benedict
pbenedict at
Tue Dec 15 16:32:00 UTC 2015
I've been ruminating over the Commons Collections example. Here is a
typical use case. Presume all libraries are properly modularized:
1) Module "org.apache.commons.collections" is uploaded into Maven for
Commons Collections 3.2.2
2) Same module name is also uploaded for 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.3.0, etc.
3) App depends on module Commons Collections 3.2.2 (not re-exported)
4) App depends on module XYZ which depends on module Commons Collections
3.3.0 (not re-exported)
Some things to note:
a) We should expect module names to be reused for any version of a product.
b) An app should be able to require version A and transitively require
version B. Duplicate packages shouldn't be a problem here because of the
strong encapsulation and lack of re-exporting.
c) What is supposed to be done with the duplicate module names?
Is this typical use case supported by the current requirements?
On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 9:02 AM, David M. Lloyd <david.lloyd at>
> On 12/09/2015 07:26 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>> 2015/10/20 4:27 -0700, david.lloyd at
>>> I see no logical path that leads from the requirements as specified
>>> exclusively to the assumption that the descriptor must be bytecode, let
>>> alone part of the JVM and/or language specification. All the reasons
>>> given appear to be self-justifying or based on abstract assumptions,
>>> e.g. "modules are... a new kind of Java program component... therefore
>>> [Jigsaw] treats them as such".
>> I agree that there are other ways to represent module descriptions.
>> I've never stated otherwise.
>> If module boundaries, however they're expressed, are to be enforced by
>> the compiler and the VM -- as you've agreed elsewhere -- then their
>> manner of expression is inevitably going to be a topic for the Java
>> language and VM specifications. This is not avoidable.
> Actually that does not logically follow. I could, for example, "express"
> module boundaries in the VM by creating a hard equivalence between modules
> and class loaders, and in the compiler via command-line arguments. In this
> way, no langauge or VM specifications must change; in fact only the
> specification of the compiler tool itself *must* change. Granted it is
> *likely* that in such a case, one would go further and maybe make some
> small modifications to the API as well to facilitate the
> provision of resources on a per-module basis.
> ... it seems to me that a significant part of the Jigsaw
>>> design justification for its handling of module metadata hinges around
>>> the conflation of the description of a module, and the descriptor used
>>> by the static module loading implementation. This raises a red flag for
>>> me because it fundamentally locks the capabilities of module
>>> descriptions to whatever makes sense to express in the descriptor, and
>>> then in turn constrains these things to the language and JVM
>>> specification.
>>> In our (JBoss) module system, these concepts are decoupled: a filesystem
>>> module's descriptor is read and parsed into a description which is then
>>> consumed by the module system to create the module. ...
>> If module boundaries are to be enforced by the compiler and the VM then,
>> in such a decoupled system, where and in what form does the compiler
>> locate the information that describes the module being compiled, and any
>> other modules required in order to compile that module?
> You (or rather, the build tool) would tell it.
> In real nontrivial systems, the universe of compiled and packaged (and
> versioned) artifacts is what you use when you're building another piece of
> the system. The installed set of modules is necessarily a subset of this
> total universe. Because of this, if I'm building something I generally
> cannot say "I have a build dependency upon
> org.apache.commons.collections". I must say "Build against
> org.apache.commons.collections, version 3.2.2", and furthermore I might
> have to also specify whose build of such I use, and where to get it from.
> And, I commonly must build different pieces of my universe against
> different versions of the same thing, especially when pieces come from a
> third party. I will likely not use the same version I built against in the
> final system, especially in an evolving system, which I believe is a
> critical use case. Finally, I may use the final built artifact in a
> variety of systems, whereupon it is necessary to modify the run time name
> and/or linkage information depending on the requirements of the target
> system. I will almost certainly not even test the two together until a
> later integration testing phase, which (in probable addition to an ABI
> compatibility checking tool) will be the last stage before accepting the
> new module into the installed set.
> In other words, it is often necessary to enforce different module
> boundaries depending on circumstances related to build, install, and run,
> independently of the rest of the source code. Much of this information may
> not be available at all when the original artifact is being built. Any
> bundling of module descriptor information inside of the module contents
> will have the effect of rendering that module useless in any module
> environment that is sufficiently unlike the one for/in which the module was
> built (unless you modify the module itself after the fact). It is not
> realistic to assume that the version of a module that is compiled against
> is the version that will be run against, and it's misleading to "newbies"
> who might expect some kind of global cohesion between modules without any
> kind of limiting context (e.g. a module distribution, or a specific
> application).
> The power that a modular Java gives you is that you can leverage what is
> arguably Java's best feature - the ability to easily provide perfect ABI
> stability between versions, and therefore the ability to substitute modules
> in the run-time environment - in order to maintain a growing and evolving
> ecosystems, or indeed many such ecosystems. This is not unlike what many
> OS distributors can do, and for similar reasons in a similar way (though we
> have the sizable advantage of Java's more powerful linking capabilities at
> our disposal, which makes some hard things easy, and some impossible things
> possible). I think that the module system should do what it can to enable
> this, and to me that means: external module descriptions, i.e. the compiled
> artifact (which consumes and/or provides specific ABI(s)) should be
> separate from the install/run linkage (which specifies how to tie modules
> together in such a way that all necessary ABI requirements are fulfilled).
> This is because the artifact build dependency information is superficially
> similar to, but fundamentally not the same as, the run time linkage
> information - and this will be true no matter what we do or what
> constraints we place. The only thing we can influence in this regard is,
> how hard do we make these use cases to achieve?
> There are other reasons that I prefer this approach as well, but this is
> the reason that directly answers your question. And there are possibly
> other approaches that would also solve the same problems - for example, a
> hybrid approach where exported and non-exported packages are listed and
> annotated within the module, but the dependence information is external and
> provided separately at build time and run time (in a manner suitable to
> each situation).
> --
> - DML
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