Java Platform Module System EG Introductions

Peter Kriens peter.kriens at
Wed Feb 11 08:29:33 UTC 2015

I am Peter Kriens, independent consultant since 1990. I worked with the OSGi Alliance to as participant, editor, gopher, and evangelist. Currently doing OSGi enRoute for about 50% of my time, a project to make it really easy to get started with OSGi. The remaining time I work with Paremus Ltd, a company that provides a large scale computing platform that leverages OSGi to manage and wire together any type of code.

I am really excited to participate in this expert and I am looking forward to our collaboration. This EG has a long winded history and it would be great if we could leave that history behind to move Java modularity forward after all those years. The signs so far are very good!

Thanks, kind regards,

	Peter Kriens

> On 10 feb. 2015, at 20:30, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> I think we EG members are for the most part known to each other, at
> least by reputation, but for those following along at home it'd be
> helpful for us to introduce ourselves, providing links to online bios
> where possible.  (This will also verify that the EG list is set up
> correctly.)
> I'm Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle.
> My online bio is here: .
> - Mark

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