Java Platform Module System EG Introductions

Wayne Beaton wayne at
Wed Feb 11 14:06:51 UTC 2015

I am Wayne Beaton, Director of Open Source Projects at the Eclipse 
Foundation. My work involves evangelism which has afforded me the 
opportunity to become somewhat proficient with OSGi in general and the 
Eclipse implementation, Equinox, in particular. Before my current job, I 
worked at IBM WebSphere (AI&M Services) as a services consultant working 
primarily with Java EE. Prior to that I was a senior member of the 
technical staff and Old Dude Who Knows Smalltalk at The Object People.


On 10/02/15 02:30 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> I think we EG members are for the most part known to each other, at
> least by reputation, but for those following along at home it'd be
> helpful for us to introduce ourselves, providing links to online bios
> where possible.  (This will also verify that the EG list is set up
> correctly.)
> I'm Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle.
> My online bio is here: .
> - Mark

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
EclipseCon 2015 <>

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