Security (was: Re: Module-system requirements)
Tim Ellison
Tim_Ellison at
Mon Feb 16 17:04:01 UTC 2015
mark.reinhold at wrote on 16/02/2015 01:25:07:
> 2015/2/13 6:06 -0800, tim_ellison at
> > <snip>
> > - It would be useful to have a section on Security. While there are
> > aspects throughout other sections of the requirements, such as
> > encapsulation and referential integrity, there may be other
> > where module boundaries can be used to enhance security, e.g. only
> > allowing privilege escalation within a module scope, modules declaring
> > exported APIs fail when passed a tainted string, etc. I'm not
> > scope-creep but rather ensuring folks have had the chance to think
> > it and easy opportunities are not missed to make Java 9 even more
> I'm all for improving security (obviously!), but if I've learned one
> thing about that general topic over the years it's that it's more a
> state of mind, or a way of life, than a set of features. It runs
> through everything that we do.
> Putting every requirement that's somehow related to security into a
> special "security" section of this document would just make it harder to
> read, and I'm skeptical that it'd actually make us all think even more
> about security than we already do. If you'd like to propose additional
> security-related requirements then by all means please go ahead, and
> we'll see where they fit into the present structure.
Presently, JAR files fulfil a number of different roles, including being
one of the structured container types for resources. As modules are
introduced there is an opportunity to use this artifact for some security
concepts that are container-based. For example, while it may be implied
by the 'Non-interference' requirement, it may be desirable to consider
modules to be sealed, thereby guaranteeing that all classes in a package
come from the same module.
I was going to suggest that modules be considered a CodeSource so that
they can be signed, or form a protection domain with a configurable
security policy, without consideration for their (file system) container -
but I may have talked myself out of it <g>. Perhaps these concepts should
remain with the container, notwithstanding the fact that a linked custom
binary run-time image may well collapse the containers and invalidate any
signing/policies associated with the originals.
A security algorithm implementation provider may always have to be part of
a separate verifiable container to maintain the current level of
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