Module, Class, and Resource Iteration (Was: Re: Module-system requirements)
mark.reinhold at
mark.reinhold at
Mon Mar 9 21:04:18 UTC 2015
2015/2/25 11:01 -0800, david.lloyd at
> One thing that is missing from the requirements is the ability to
> iterate or enumerate modules, classes, and/or resources. This is one
> capability that people seem to be assuming will be magically provided by
> a module solution.
> While it seems to me that resource or resource directory iteration is
> (modulo the discussion on the "Exporting things" sub-thread) easily
> accomplished, defining the meaning of module iteration and class
> iteration is a little bit more involved.
Yes ...
> To iterate modules implies that the configuration has a complete picture
> of all the modules it can load, and that it can iterate over this
> picture in a relatively inexpensive manner. This is probably
> reasonable, though in my imagination I see that the set of available
> modules may change over time within the life of a single VM process.
It should be straightforward to iterate through the modules already
present in a configuration. Iterating through the modules available
when creating a new configuration, or extending an existing one, should
be possible but might not be very efficient since it will most likely
require walking the filesystem.
Do we need a requirement to capture this? It seems pretty low-level.
> Iterating classes is a stranger expectation though, because while it is
> a reasonable inclination to want to try this, it is possibly actively
> harmful to start loading previously-unloaded classes. So such a
> function would either need to restrict its output set to loaded classes,
> or do something else like just enumerate class names. In addition,
> there are security considerations to take into account; a caller should
> only "see" classes that are accessible to it (though things like
> frameworks may need an elevated capability in order to introspect
> non-public classes).
It wouldn't be hard to iterate through the class files in a module
artifact. Iterating through the set of classes already loaded for a
module (or by class loader) is possible but trickier. JVM TI already
supports this [1]; does it need to be possible in a direct reflective
API? Are there use cases which require that?
> Another potentially iterable "thing" is packages, either in the form of
> names or Package objects. No comment on the applicability or lack
> thereof of such a capability though.
Again, are there use cases for this kind of query?
- Mark
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