Did javax.annotation.Generated get removed?
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Nov 27 11:27:18 UTC 2015
On 27/11/2015 11:06, Stephane Epardaud wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm testing Ceylon on Java 9 preview and besides the boot classpath
> removal with jimage files, I'm progressing in making it work. But I'm
> looking for the javax.annotation.Generated annotation, and I can't seem
> to find it. It was originally slated to end up in the javax.annotation
> module back when Jigsaw was targetted at Java 7, but now I can't find it
> in the lib .jimages. Did it get removed? Or is it hiding somewhere else?
> For the curious, Ceylon depends on a fork of Java 7 javac, which it
> includes. Adapting it to use the NIO FileSystem for jimage was
> relatively easy, and there's javac 9's code I can use to back port too.
> Other question: on https://jdk9.java.net/ I see "JDK9 Early Access Now
> Available!" and "JDK 9 Early Access with Project Jigsaw", both of these
> seem to differ. It's not very clear to me how, since the first does use
> ".jimage" files already. Is the second ("with Project Jigsaw") about the
> addition of user modules, or are they really the same thing?
At things currently stand then module java.annotations.common exports
javax.annotation so this is where you'll find @Generated. I can't tell
which build you are using or whether you are using the /modules or
/packages tree but we've had issues with sym links in the jrt file
system and maybe you are running into issues there.
It's best to follow-up on jigsaw-dev with questions in this area as it's
implementation rather than JSR 376. Same thing for the question on why
the EA downloads include the jmod files with debug information.
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