module name convention

forax at forax at
Wed Oct 14 13:53:31 UTC 2015

Just a quick note,
I've presented the Java module spec in its current state at JTRES (a realtime Java conf).

I've used the '_' notation which clearly make the things more readable,
I had no question related to the fact that people were troubled because 'requires' takes a module and 'exports' takes a package.


----- Mail original -----
> De: "mark reinhold" <mark.reinhold at>
> À: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
> Cc: jpms-spec-experts at
> Envoyé: Lundi 5 Octobre 2015 20:48:23
> Objet: Re: module name convention
> 2015/9/19 10:02 -0700, forax at
> > Mani from AdoptAJSR has a very good question at the end of this document:
> >
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > Both Eclipse and Maven use package name or at least package prefix as
> > convention to name module and as Mani said it really confusing when you
> > write a module-info file.
> > 
> > Given that the name of the JDK modules doesn't respect that convention
> > but still use '.' to separate the different components, I wonder if we
> > should not try to come with a convention for module name that allow to
> > easily disambiguate between package name and module name.
> Yes, I think that's worth exploring.
> > By example,
> >   java_base,
> >   java-base,
> >   java~base ...
> Quick reactions:
>   java_base is still a Java identifier, which is nice.
>   java-base corresponds usefully to how JAR files are typically named
>   (e.g., java-base-1.2.3.jar).
>   java~base is pretty ugly (especially with longer names, e.g.,
>   jdk~scripting~nashorn~shell).
> I'm sure there are other possibilities ...
> > Obviously the other solution is to prefix a name by "package" or
> > "module".
> As in, `requires module` and `exports package`?
> - Mark

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