Q on participation from observers
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Wed Oct 14 20:25:18 UTC 2015
2015/10/14 12:13 -0700, pbenedict at apache.org:
> General question on how to participate in these discussions....
> I am not on the spec-experts mailing list. So I shouldn't be responding to
> spec-experts: that creates a burden to the list owner who has to reject my
> messages.
> So I've been responding to spec-observers, but this will require greater
> attention to spec-experts participants who didn't realize I switched the
> mailing list on their response.
> What to do to keep everyone in the same email thread?
I suggest you remove any individual addresses of EG members and reply
only to jpms-spec-observers. That way EG members who want to follow
threads on the observers list can do so by subscribing to that list
(in addition to spec-experts), while those who don't can just stick
to the spec-experts list.
To make this more obviously the default I'll configure the observers
list to insert an explicit Reply-To: header.
- Mark
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