Proposal: #CompileTimeDependences: `requires static`
Nicolai Parlog
nipa at
Sat Jul 2 23:02:03 UTC 2016
Hi Sander,
I think qualifiers to "exports" and "requires" would be nice but new
terms (instead of the proposed "exports dynamic" and "requires
static") might fix the problem as well (maybe even better) and should
hence be considered. A discussion going down this route could be
My proposal was a strawman, shot from the hip, so I'm not going to
defend it much. :) But I want to clarify my intent.
"consumes" was proposed to replace "requires static". The rationale
being, that "requires" obviously says "I need this" while "consumes"
sounds much more relaxed: "I'll use it if it's there", which is
precisely what we want. Your argument regarding services is absolutely
valid, though.
Similarly "contains" was supposed to replace "exports dynamic". Two
(a) "exports x.y.z" basically reads as "exports package x.y.z"
(b) to the outside world packages that are not mentioned in might as well not even exist.
So I thought that "contains" would say something like "Look, this
package is here; I'm not exporting it but if you find a way around
that limitation, be my guest to use it".
So I do not think that this clashes with "conceals".
What do you think?
On 01.07.2016 10:41, Sander Mak wrote:
>>> requires & consumes exports & contains
>> So it would look as follows:
>> module { requires guava; requires joda; consumes
>> hibernate; exports; exports; contains
>>; }
> Going down this route, I would avoid 'consumes' since IMO it
> appears to be the inverse of 'provides' used with services. Also,
> the the proposed 'contains' seems to be equivalent to what is now
> called 'conceals' (when looking at output of for example `java
> -listmods:java.base`), which I find to be more descriptive. Or did
> you mean that 'contains' replaces 'exports dynamic'? In that case,
> I don't really see how that's any clearer.
> Sander
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