Issue #ServiceLoaderEnhancement
Prakhar Makhija
matcdac at
Thu Jul 28 06:57:32 UTC 2016
I am seeing "provides" in module, which was not talked about in the keynote
session of Java 9 by Mark. Could you please describe what it is.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Best Wishes & Regards,
Prakhar Makhija
On Jul 27, 2016 3:28 PM, "Stephen Colebourne" <scolebourne at> wrote:
> On 13 July 2016 at 19:06, <mark.reinhold at> wrote:
> > 2016/7/1 2:27:39 -0700, Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at>:
> >> Firstly, I propose that all reflection by ServiceLoader should use
> >> setAccessible(true) to allow providers to be non-public.
> >
> > We could do this for service providers defined in modules, but not for
> > those specified via the META-INF/services convention. The problem with
> > the latter is that if ServiceLoader could instantiate an arbitrary
> > non-public class then an adversary could spoof it into doing that simply
> > by placing an appropriate META-INF/services configuration file on the
> > class path. That's not possible for providers in modules, since the
> > declaration of the provider and the provider itself are always tightly
> > associated with each other, in the same artifact, so we can relax the
> > restriction in that case.
> I'm happy with this restriction if I understand it correctly, ie. that
> access to non-public is allowed only if the provider is specified
> using the module-info "provides" section, and not via
> META-INF/services.
> >> Secondly, I propose that if no public no-args constructor is found on
> >> the provider class, ServiceLoader should locate a public static
> >> constant named "INSTANCE" and use that instead.
> >
> > That's reasonable, though we don't have much precedence for name-based
> > conventions in the SE platform itself.
> > ...
> > An alternative is to take an explicitly-declarative approach, defining
> > something like a @Provides annotation to identify the constructors,
> > factories, or fields that construct or contain actual provider objects.
> > I'll give this some thought.
> If it is an annotation, I would not expect to also declare it in
> module-info, as that would be redundant. But as a solution it would be
> fairly neat.
> There is a more explicit alternative to the module-info defined approach:
> module org.threeten.extra {
> requires java.base;
> exports org.threeten.extra.*;
> provides java.time.chrono.Chronology with
> org.threeten.extra.chrono.CopticChronology::INSTANCE
> }
> The format would be ::staticConstant or ::staticMethod, using a syntax
> along the lines of Java 8 method references. This would precisely
> specify the desired constant/method without needing to add a
> name-based convention or search. It would also allow a class to have
> multiple methods/constants defining the same service. This would work
> with META-INF/services as well AFAICT.
> >> Thirdly, it should be possible to access the set of provider classes
> >> without instantiating them. This would allow applications to use the
> >> module-info design for services without using ServiceLoader, eg to
> >> reflect on the provider classes, perhaps to search for annotations.
> >
> > Most of the services defined and used in the JDK itself follow this
> > advice, but I accept that many others out in the world do not, so at
> > this point people reasonably want to be able to filter providers based
> > on types and annotations thereon. This should be straightforward; I'll
> > work up a proposal.
> Great, thanks
> Stephen
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