Proposal: #ModuleAnnotations and #ModuleDeprecation
David M. Lloyd
david.lloyd at
Wed Jun 29 12:25:34 UTC 2016
I like the proposal but I agree with Rémi - it would be useful to allow
run-time access.
On 06/28/2016 04:19 PM, Mark Reinhold wrote:
> Issue summaries
> ---------------
> #ModuleAnnotations --- Should it be possible to annotate module
> declarations? As previously discussed this is technically feasible
> but it would add significant complexity. [1]
> #ModuleDeprecation -- If module declarations cannot be annotated,
> should there be some other way to deprecate modules? [2]
> Proposal
> --------
> Allow arbitrary annotations to be placed on module declarations, and
> revise the `java.lang.Deprecated` annotation so that it can be applied
> to modules.
> - Add a new value, `MODULE`, to `java.lang.annotation.ElementType`,
> to denote the top level of a module declaration.
> - Extend `javax.lang.model` and `java.lang.reflect` to provide access
> to module annotations. Repeating annotations are supported, subject
> to the usual rules for repeatable annotation types. (This proposal
> will not add similar support to `java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor`;
> that would add yet more complexity, and we haven't seen a use case
> for it.)
> - Annotations on modules will never affect the operation of the module
> system itself.
> - Revise `java.lang.Deprecated` and `java.lang.SuppressWarnings` to
> allow `ElementType.MODULE` as a target. For now, no other existing
> Java SE annotations will apply to modules.
> Also, allow `import` declarations [3] to be used in module compilation
> units.
> - Any `import` declarations must appear before the `module` declaration.
> - As a consequence of supporting `import` declarations, simple type
> names can now be used in the `uses` and `provides` directives of a
> module declaration. Type annotations on these type names are not
> supported.
> Rationale
> ---------
> When we first discussed this topic I wrote [4]:
>> We haven't seen a compelling use case (so far) for annotations on module
>> declarations, or on clauses in module declarations, and they aren't a
>> documented requirement, so for simplicity we left them out of the initial
>> design and the prototype.
> The compelling use case is, of course, deprecation, as Rémi pointed out
> [5]. In Java SE 9, in particular, we very much want to be able to write
> something like this:
> @Deprecated(since = "9", forRemoval = true)
> module java.corba {
> ...
> }
> The most natural way to do this is to allow module declarations to be
> annotated in the same way as other top-level declarations (i.e., packages
> and classes). If we don't allow the `@Deprecated` annotation to be used
> on modules then we'd have to invent some other way to deprecate modules
> (another new keyword?), and that would just be confusing.
> Like most language features, annotations have sometimes been over-used
> and even abused [6]. Allowing modules to be annotated opens up a whole
> new avenue for unfortunate design decisions that lead to unreadable code.
> We could try to limit the damage by allowing just a few annotations on
> module declarations (e.g., only those in the `java.lang` package), or by
> not supporting `import` declarations so that the use of non-platform
> annotations is discouragingly verbose. Such an approach would lead to
> unpleasant asymmetries in the language, however, so instead we propose to
> support arbitrary annotations on module declarations in the obvious way.
> I think the guidance I wrote earlier [4] still holds. Annotations are
> useful for extra-linguistic statements, such as deprecation, that make
> sense in source code and can usefully be carried through the tool chain
> into the resulting class file. I still don't think they're appropriate
> for information that is more appropriately the domain of build systems,
> e.g., version strings.
> Notes
> -----
> - Should it be possible to annotate the individual directives in a
> module declaration? This would allow you to deprecate individual
> exports and requires-public directives, which could be useful in the
> process of evolving an API: If you plan to remove a package, or
> remove a public dependence upon some other module, then you could
> deprecate the corresponding `exports` or `requires public` directive
> (presumably with `forRemoval = true`) to warn your users that the
> API is going to change.
> There are no cases in the JDK itself where we need this ability, at least
> not desperately. Designing and implementing this would be a non-trivial
> exercise, and it is a separable feature that could be added later on if
> justified by experience.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
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