Proposal: #CompileTimeDependences: `requires static`
Stephen Colebourne
scolebourne at
Wed Jun 29 13:34:36 UTC 2016
Thank you for this proposal, which I believe satisfies the necessary semantics.
As others have noted, the words used in the module-info file are not
especially clear and serve to obscure what is going on. I think
perhaps there should be a wider re-evaluation of the keywords.
module A {
requires B;
requires static C;
requires static public D;
exports dynamic E;
The basic concept that I see is "A depends on B" so "depends" or
"dependson" would be better than "requires".
module A {
depends B;
depends optionally C;
depends optionally export D;
exports runtime E;
module A {
depends B;
depends compiletime C;
depends compiletime export D;
exports runtime E;
or more radically:
module A {
depends B;
compiletime {
depends C;
depends publish D;
runtime {
exports E;
FWIW the proposed use of "optional" by a number of people is
consistent with Maven, where "optional" means mandatory at compiletime
and optional therafter.
On 29 June 2016 at 00:31, <mark.reinhold at> wrote:
> 2016/6/28 15:50:52 -0700, Remi Forax <forax at>:
>> Apart the fact that 'static' should be spelled 'optional', there is no
>> reason to reuse static as it doesn't convey the semantics we want,
>> i.e. optional at runtime, i fully agree with this proposal.
> In this context `static` is intended to mean "at compile time" or,
> equivalently, before the more "dynamic" phases of run time and link
> time (the latter of which is more like run time than compile time).
> I agree that `static` is potentially confusing since its meaning here
> is different from what `static` means when used on a member of a class.
> It does, however, fit nicely with its (nearly) dual directive, `exports
> dynamic`, proposed for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes.
> I think `optional` is a non-starter, since `requires optional` reads as
> an oxymoron, and it's optional at run time but mandatory at compile
> time, so in what sense is it, really, "optional"?
> Suggestions of other alternatives are welcome ...
> - Mark
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