New Issue: How to deprecate a module ?

Paul Benedict pbenedict at
Tue Mar 15 19:55:24 UTC 2016

Remi's issue could also possibly tie into #StandardModuleAttributes. If the
module was deprecated because it merely migrated to a new name, would it be
valuable at compile-time to know what that is? If such standard module
attributes come to be, please consider how deprecation relates. It might
not all be that dissimilar from the Maven Repository's ability to contain
relocation metadata.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> A module declaration (in module-info) doesn't accept annotation,
> so it seems not possible to deprecate a module ?
> I think that module declaration should allow annotation (at least
> compile-time annotation).
> Rémi

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