Issue: Modules can only open resources as streams
David M. Lloyd
david.lloyd at
Tue Mar 22 21:02:38 UTC 2016
On 03/22/2016 12:13 PM, forax at wrote:
> ----- Mail original -----
>> De: "David M. Lloyd" <david.lloyd at>
>> À: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
>> Cc: jpms-spec-experts at
>> Envoyé: Mardi 22 Mars 2016 14:02:54
>> Objet: Re: Issue: Modules can only open resources as streams
>> URI is definitely better than URL. However it doesn't really solve the
>> points I listed below. It would really be useful for a resource to be a
>> handle with size, stream, and origin class loader/module fields.
> from an URI, you can call toURL() and get access to the size, the stream etc.
> thinking a little more on this, you can already have access to the URI of a resource of a module by using the ModuleReader, from the ModuleReference, from the Configuration, from the Layer ...
> try(ModuleReader reader = module.getLayer().configuration().findModule(module.getName()).get().reference().open()) {
> Optional<URI> uri = reader.find(resourseName);
> ...
> }
> obviously, directly exposing the ModuleReader might be a good idea :)
Knowing which module your resource came from is definitely a key
requirement. I'm not sure what URI actually will benefit in this case
though. Not only do you have to switch it to URL to actually use it to
load anything, but by returning URI, modules lose the ability to send
back URLs with custom behaviors. Also it means that every resource
needs an absolute location, which is an unnecessary constraint as far as
I can see.
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