Alternative Version implementation

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Wed Mar 23 23:37:06 UTC 2016

2016/3/23 7:20:26 -0700, david.lloyd at
> I've gone ahead and written a new Version implementation that implements 
> the rules I've described.  It seems to work OK though I am having a hard 
> time running all tests locally due to some environmental problem that 
> I'm still working on, so I don't have a webrev yet.  But I do have a 
> diff that can be examined (and commented upon) at [1].

Process point: This list, and the associated jpms-spec-{observers,comments}
lists, are for discussion of the JSR 376 specification only.  As such we can
certainly discuss the present specification of the ModuleDescriptor.Version
class, and how it might be improved, but if you wish to discuss actual code
then please do that on jigsaw-dev at

- Mark

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