Nomination to the JSR 376 EG: Neil Bartlett

Neil Bartlett (Paremus) neil.bartlett at
Thu Mar 24 13:20:12 UTC 2016


Thank you for your mail, I accept your decision.

For the interest of the Experts and observers who might be puzzled at the apparent timing of my application, I would like to make it known that I applied to join the EG over 10 months ago and have chased up on many occasions. It is not clear what organisational hiccup within the JCP has led to my application being ignored for so long but its clearly very disappointing. I also note that other members have joined the Expert Group within this window so it is odd that my application specifically got lost.

As additional clarification, my intended purpose in joining the JSR was to represent Paremus Ltd, who are Board Members of the OSGi Alliance and active in the OSGi community. We are concerned about compatibility for OSGi with Java 9 and wish to work on interoperability between the two module systems. We believe that there are significant shortcomings and oversimplifications in this JSR with respect to application modularity and that these may have a detrimental effect on Java modularity in general. As you can see from my blog post dated 13 Nov 2015 ( the objective of breaking the monolithic Java runtime into smaller modules is in our opinion very worthwhile and fully working and interoperable with OSGi already, so good job on that.

Finally I note that if a balance of interests is sought, this is not well served by those EG members who have not participated at all in the discussions. Several members have not interacted beyond their first introductory mail, and one member did not even send that introduction! I do not blame you as the Spec Lead for their failings, rather I would encourage them to get involved more in what is a very important JSR for the future of Java.

I would be grateful if you could forward this message to the EG since for obvious reasons I cannot respond directly there myself.

Kind regards,

> On 23 Mar 2016, at 23:45, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> FYI, Neil Bartlett of Paremus has applied to join this EG.
> I have declined his nomination since we already have one representative
> of the OSGi community, namely Peter Kriens, and I think it's important
> to keep a reasonable balance of interests across the group.
> - Mark

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