Proposal: #NonHierarchicalLayers
mark.reinhold at
mark.reinhold at
Mon Nov 14 20:42:14 UTC 2016
2016/11/8 6:37:44 -0800, Thomas Watson <tjwatson at>:
> ...
> Overall the API works well for scenarios that map existing module systems
> to JPMS. I have questions about the new javadoc for the static methods on
> Layer and Configuration. I would have expected the javadoc for the static
> vs. the single parent non-static methods to be largely identical. But
> there seems to be more details on what causes errors on the static methods
> as well as additional API notes related to atomic behavior. Is this an
> oversight, or are there more error conditions for the static methods?
No, there are not more error conditions for the static methods.
> Should the non-static methods be updated to state the behavior is
> equivalent to calling the static method with this Configuration/Layer as
> the single parent?
Yes. Alan has already made this update.
- Mark
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