Proposal: #NonHierarchicalLayers
mark.reinhold at
mark.reinhold at
Mon Nov 21 21:56:38 UTC 2016
2016/11/21 7:17:14 -0800, david.lloyd at
> On 10/31/2016 03:22 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>> ...
>> Proposal
>> --------
>> Revise `java.lang.module.Configuration` and `java.lang.reflect.Layer` to
>> augment the existing instance methods that treat `this` as the parent of
>> the child being created with corresponding static methods that take a
>> list of parents.
>> ...
> I am having difficulty adapting our dependency API to it. We use the
> ability to add a dependency link from a module in one namespace to a
> module in another. This ability was explicitly added after realizing
> that using a search path made the usage parallel namespaces without name
> mangling impossible. In JBoss Modules this is accomplished by using a
> module loader (reference)/name (string) tuple for each dependency, but
> AFAICT, because of Jigsaw's reliance on a bytecode image instead of a
> programmatic API to define modules, a similar API wherein we give a
> Layer plus module name to establish the links seems impossible.
You can construct `java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor` objects via the
API, and then use those to configure layers; you don't always need a
`module-info.class` file.
Layers don't have names, but if you're using the approach I suggested
for OSGi [1] then it shouldn't matter, since every JBoss module will be
in its own layer. (If you really do need to give layers separate names
then you could do so in a `WeakHashMap` that you maintain on the side,
and have your resolver refer to that.)
- Mark
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