Please welcome Neil Bartlett to JSR 376

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at
Tue Oct 25 21:49:30 UTC 2016

On 10/25/2016 04:08 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> Neil Bartlett, a recognized expert on OSGi, has asked to join this EG.
> Ordinarily I'm extremely reluctant to accept new EG members this late in
> the life of a JSR, long after we've settled the requirements and after
> we've been working on a design for over a year.  Peter Kriens's recent
> departure, however, leaves the EG with no resident OSGi expertise, and
> that's an important gap to fill.
> Neil has agreed to accept the requirements as they stand and, further,
> acknowledges that our primary goal at this stage is to finish the design
> that we have rather than come up with something significantly different.
> I'm confident that he'll bring a valuable perspective to our discussions
> and help to ensure the overall success of the JSR.
> (Neil -- if there's anything further you'd like to say by way of
>  introduction, please do so!)

Welcome aboard, Neil!

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