Proposed schedule change for JSR 376 (Java Platform Module System)

Mark Reinhold mark.reinhold at
Tue Sep 13 15:54:40 UTC 2016

I posted a number of proposals yesterday [1], including a redesign
of the package-export feature [2].  It's going to take more time than
remains in the previously-proposed schedule [3] for both us and the
wider community to evaluate those proposals and, also, to work through
the other issues that are already on our list [4].

I therefore suggest that we adjust our schedule as follows:

    Early Draft Review      January 2017
    Public Review           March 2017
    Proposed Final Draft    May 2017
    Final Release           July 2017

Please let me know by this time next week (16:00 UTC next Tuesday,
20 September) of any objections to this proposal.  (I'll propose a
corresponding change to the JSR 379 (Java SE 9) schedule shortly.)

- Mark


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