Closing out still more open issues

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Thu Apr 6 20:54:34 UTC 2017

In early March I posted proposals to resolve the following issues without
implementing the changes that they suggest, either because they can be
done in a future release or because they're not worth doing in the first
place [1]:

  #AvoidConcealedPackageConflicts *
  #MultipleModuleVersions *
  #StaticLayerConfiguration *

One EG member raised a concern about the three proposals marked with
an asterisk above; otherwise there were no responses or only positive
responses, so I've marked all these issues as resolved.

No one objected to my more recent #MoveModuleAndLayerClasses proposal,
and one member supported it, so I've marked that as resolved as well.

The #AutomaticModuleNames and #ModuleNameInManifest issues are still
under discussion.  I have simple proposals in mind for the remaining
three, #ModuleNameSyntax, #StandardModuleAttributes, and #VersionSyntax,
which I will post shortly.

- Mark


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