Compatibility of Java 8 libraries with Java 9

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Apr 27 12:47:40 UTC 2017

On 26/04/2017 20:18, Volker Berlin wrote:

> Hi,
> After reading many of migrate to Java 9 it look like that you expect 
> that the people switch 100% to Java 9. I think this is wrong. Like 
> with older Java versions it must be possible to run a 
> library/application with Java 9, 8, ...
I suspect that the issues that you are concerned are not JSR-376 issues 
so it might be better to bring specific questions to jigsaw-dev for 
discussion. You mentioned the main manifest of the executable JARs and 
also JNLP and you will find some discussions in the archives on those 
topics already.


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