JPMS Module Path question

Peter Kriens peter.kriens at
Thu Jun 15 12:44:54 UTC 2017

Thanks Alan.

This link seems very out of date when I compare it with the actual drafts. Might be an idea to update, remove or mark it as stale?

Kind regards,

	Peter Kriens


> On 15 Jun 2017, at 14:13, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> On 15/06/2017 12:51, Peter Kriens wrote:
>> Thanks, I’ve updated the document. Part of the problem is that I am not sure where I can find the set of documents that were inputed to the vote?
>> Is there an official list of those documents?
> Mark sent a link to this list (or rather jpms-spec-experts and auto forwarded to this list) last week:
> -Alan

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