Proposal: #NonHierarchicalLayers (+ #LayerPrimitives)
mark.reinhold at
mark.reinhold at
Wed Mar 8 20:07:39 UTC 2017
2017/3/7 8:09:59 -0800, tjwatson at
> mark.reinhold at wrote on 03/06/2017 05:45:25 PM:
>> So, here's an even higher-level question: Why is it necessary to make
>> the OSGi system bundle appear as a JPMS module in the first place?
>> ...
>> Could your proof-of-concept implementation be made to work without
>> putting the system bundle in a JPMS layer? If so then it could continue
>> to implement dynamic framework extensions just as it does today, support
>> the dependence of JPMS modules upon OSGi bundles that export APIs that
>> aren't specific to OSGi, and yet still not require the exposure of the
>> low-level internal methods proposed by #LayerPrimitives.
> No that cannot work without hacks to allow other modules to depend on the
> unnamed system.bundle module. The reason is because we have bundles today
> that make extensive use of org.osgi.framework packages. These bundles
> then also export packages that we want to make available to JPMS modules
> on top. These bundles have to be loaded in to a named module in order to
> allow these JPMS modules to require them. I think it would be an
> unfortunate work around to have to link an edge to an unnamed
> system.bundle module from a bundle module in order to get this
> functionality to work.
Okay, so it's possible, but it's unpleasant.
> It also implies that it will be more difficult in
> the future to ship an osgi framework implementation jar as a real module
> since we must load the implementation of the framework into an unnamed
> module to be fully functional with respect to framework extensions.
More difficult, perhaps, but still possible. An OSGi framework could be
embedded in a JPMS module as a JAR-file resource that its launcher, which
is regular code in that JPMS module, loads directly into the unnamed
module of an appropriate class loader.
I don't think it's unreasonable for an OSGi/JPMS interoperation solution
to have to do these things, especially when the alternative is to commit
the entire Java SE Platform to otherwise-unnecessary complexity for the
long term.
> FYI, for the most part I see your points about other solutions are
> possible to solve the performance issue with private packages. I'm just
> pointing out that it was not a necessary concern before Java 9, so we need
> to be prepared to react. The private-package scanning issue may well have
> to be solved outside of JPMS. Particularly if the internals of addPackage
> consider the method to be rarely called (if ever) and therefore there is
> no need for it to be super fast. But for supporting system.bundle
> fragment attachment the addPackage and addExportToAll methods are needed.
> The number of calls to these methods to support system.bundle fragments
> should be small and not as concerned with how speedy they are. On the
> other hand, if addPackage is used to solve the private package scanning
> issue then addPackage must be exceptionally fast and thread safe.
All of these low-level methods must be thread-safe in any case, no matter
how often they're used, and that's a big part of the inherent complexity.
> Early on in my POC I had the idea of allowing the Layer creation to be
> able to map a class loader to a to a default module name. Basically the
> reverse of the existing clf function. Instead of mapping a module name to
> a class loader this would map a class loader to a default module name. Any
> package that gets defined in a package that is unknown to the modules
> associated with that class loader would get defined as part of the default
> module instead of the current unnamed module. Would this be an acceptable
> solution for addPackage? We still would need the addExportToAll though.
In implementation terms this would be little different from `addPackage`,
since the JVM would still have to be prepared to add packages to a named
module at any time.
- Mark
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