An alternative to "restricted keywords"

Remi Forax forax at
Fri May 12 19:21:19 UTC 2017

Hi Peter,

On May 12, 2017 6:08:58 PM GMT+02:00, Peter Levart <peter.levart at> wrote:
>Hi Remi,
>On 05/12/2017 08:17 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
>> [CC JPMS expert mailing list because, it's an important issue IMO]
>> I've a counter proposition.
>> I do not like your proposal because from the user point of view, '^'
>looks like a hack, it's not used anywhere else in the grammar.
>> I agree that restricted keywords are not properly specified in JLS.
>Reading your mail, i've discovered that what i was calling restricted
>keywords is not what javac implements :(
>> I agree that restricted keywords should be only enabled when parsing
>> I agree that doing error recovery on the way the grammar for
>module-info is currently implemented in javac leads to less than ideal
>error messages.
>> In my opinion, both
>>     module m { requires transitive transitive; }
>>     module m { requires transitive; }
>> should be rejected because what javac implements something more close
>to the javascript ASI rules than restricted keywords as currently
>specified by Alex.
>> For me, a restricted keyword is a keyword which is activated if you
>are at a position in the grammar where it can be recognized and because
>it's a keyword, it tooks over an identifier.
>> by example for
>>    module m {
>> if the next token is 'requires', it should be recognized as a keyword
>because you can parse a directive 'required ...' so there is a
>production that will starts with the 'required' keyword.
>> so
>>    module m { requires transitive; }
>> should be rejected because transitive should be recognized as a
>keyword after requires and the compiler should report a missing module
>> and
>>    module m { requires transitive transitive; }
>> should be rejected because the grammar that parse the modifiers is
>defined as "a loop" so from the grammar point of view it's like
>>    module m { requires Modifier Modifier; }
>> so the the front end of the compiler should report a missing module
>name and a later phase should report that there is twice the same
>modifier 'transitive'.
>> I believe that with this definition of 'restricted keyword', compiler
>can recover error more easily and offers meaningful error message and
>the module-info part of the grammar is LR(1).
>This will make "requires", "uses", "provides", "with", "to", "static", 
>"transitive", "exports", etc .... all illegal module names. Ok, no big 
>deal, because there are no module names yet (apart from JDK modules and
>those are named differently). But...

you should use reverse DNS naming for module name, so no problem. 

>What about:
>module m { exports transitive; }
>Here 'transitive' is an existing package name for example. Who 
>guarantees that there are no packages out there with names matching 
>restricted keywords? Current restriction for modules is that they can 
>not have an unnamed package. Do we want to restrict package names a 
>module can export too?

you should use reverse DNS naming for package so no problem :)

>Stephan's solution does not have this problem.
>Regards, Peter

I think those issues are not real problem. 


>> regards,
>> Rémi
>> ----- Mail original -----
>>> De: "Stephan Herrmann" <stephan.herrmann at>
>>> À: jigsaw-dev at
>>> Envoyé: Mardi 9 Mai 2017 16:56:11
>>> Objet: An alternative to "restricted keywords"
>>> (1) I understand the need for avoiding that new module-related
>>> keywords conflict with existing code, where these words may be used
>>> as identifiers. Moreover, it must be possible for a module
>>> to refer to packages or types thusly named.
>>> However,
>>> (2) The currently proposed "restricted keywords" are not
>>> specified in JLS.
>>> (3) The currently proposed "restricted keywords" pose difficulties
>>> the implementation of all tools that need to parse a module
>>> (4) A simple alternative to "restricted keywords" exists, which has
>>> received the attention it deserves.
>>> Details:
>>> (2) The current specification implicitly violates the assumption
>>> parsing can be performed on the basis of a token stream produced by
>>> a scanner (aka lexer). From discussion on this list we learned that
>>> the following examples are intended to be syntactically legal:
>>>     module m { requires transitive transitive; }
>>>     module m { requires transitive; }
>>> (Please for the moment disregard heuristic solutions, while we are
>>>   investigating whether generally "restricted keywords" is a
>>>   concept, or not.)
>>> Of the three occurrences of "transitive", #1 is a keyword, the
>>> are identifiers. At the point when the parser has consumed
>>> and now asks about classification of the word "transitive", the
>>> cannot possible answer this classification. It can only answer for
>>> after the *parser* has accepted the full declaration. Put
>>> the parser must consume more tokens than have been classified by the
>>> Scanner. Put differently, to faithfully parse arbitrary grammars
>>> a concept of "restricted keywords", scanners must provide
>>> answers, which may later need to be revised by backtracking or
>>> exhaustive exploration of the space of possible interpretations.
>>> The specification is totally silent about this fundamental change.
>>> (3) "restricted keywords" pose three problems to tool
>>> (3.a) Any known practical approach to implement a parser with
>>> "restricted keywords" requires to leverage heuristics, which are
>>> on the exact set of rules defined in the grammar. Such heuristics
>>> reduce the look-ahead that needs to be performed by the scanner,
>>> in order to avoid the full exhaustive exploration mentioned above.
>>> A set of such heuristic is extremely fragile and can easily break
>>> later more rules are added to the grammar. This means small future
>>> language changes can easily break any chosen strategy.
>>> (3.b) If parsing works for error-free input, this doesn't imply that
>>> a parser will be able to give any useful answer for input with
>>> errors. As a worst-case example consider an arbitrary input sequence
>>> consisting of just the two words "requires" and "transitive" in
>>> order and with no punctuation.
>>> A parser will not be able to detect any structure in this sequence.
>>> By comparison, normal keywords serve as a baseline, where parsing
>>> typically can resume regardless of any leading garbage.
>>> While this is not relevant for normal compilation, it is paramount
>>> for assistive functions, which most of the time operate on
>>> text, likely to contain even syntax errors.
>>> Strictly speaking, any "module declaration" with syntax errors is
>>> not a ModuleDeclaration, and thus none of the "restrictive keywords"
>>> can be interpreted as keywords (which per JLS can only happen inside
>>> a ModuleDeclaration).
>>> All this means, that functionality like code completion is
>>> systematically broken in a language using "restricted keywords".
>>> (3.c) Other IDE functionality assumes that small fragments of the
>>> input text can be scanned out of context. The classical example here
>>> is syntax highlighting but there are more examples.
>>> Any such functionality has to be re-implemented, replacing the
>>> highly efficient local scanning with full parsing of the input text.
>>> For functionality that is implicitly invoked per keystroke, or on
>>> mouse hover etc, this difference in efficiency negatively affects
>>> the overall user experience of an IDE.
>>> (4) The following proposal avoids all difficulties described above:
>>> * open, module, requires, transitive, exports, opens, to, uses,
>>>     provides, and with are "module words", to which the following
>>>     interpretation is applied:
>>>     * within any ordinary compilation unit, a module word is a
>>>       identifier.
>>>     * within a modular compilation unit, all module words are
>>>       (unconditional) keywords.
>>> * We introduce three new auxiliary non-terminals:
>>>       LegacyPackageName:
>>>           LegacyIdentifier
>>>           LegacyPackageName . LegacyIdentifier
>>>       LegacyTypeName:
>>>           LegacyIdentifier
>>>           LegacyTypeName . LegacyIdentifier
>>>       LegacyIdentifier:
>>>           Identifier
>>>           ^open
>>>           ^module
>>>           ...
>>>           ^with
>>> * We modify all productions in 7.7, replacing PackageName with
>>>    LegacyPackageName and replacing TypeName with LegacyTypeName.
>>> * After parsing, each of the words '^open', '^module' etc.
>>>    is interpreted by removing the leading '^' (escape character).
>>> Here, '^' is chosen as the escape character following the precedent
>>> of Xtext. Plenty of other options for this purpose are possible,
>>> This proposal completely satisfies the requirements (1), and avoids
>>> all of the problems (2) and (3). There's an obvious price to pay:
>>> users will have to add the escape character when referring to code
>>> that uses a module word as a package name or type name.
>>> Not only is this a very low price compared to the benefits; one can
>>> even argue that it also helps the human reader of a module
>>> because it clearly marks which occurrences of a module word are
>>> identifiers.
>>> An IDE can easily help in interactively adding escapes where
>>> Finally, in this trade-off it is relevant to consider the expected
>>> frequencies: legacy names (needing escape) will surely be the
>>> - by magnitudes. So, the little price needing to be paid, will only
>>> affect a comparatively small number of locations.
>>> Stephan

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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