Thread context class loader...

Adrian Brock abrock at REDHAT.COM
Wed Dec 5 04:53:28 PST 2007

We already discussed the cyclic dependencies issue.

If I remember the summary correctly:

* We decided it is a problem that always exists including
in the JDK itself.
* Not supporting it would be a barrier to migration
for existing code.
* It isn't really that difficult to support
* We should discourage its use, in the spec
but also an implementation could have something
like a system property that disallows it.

On the "RI" Stanley posted this back in June:

Hi experts and observers,

We have just made an early snapshot of the JSR 277 and 294
implementation available through the Modules project on openjdk:

This snapshot basically covers the basic features described in the
updated specification in JSR 277, and the reflective APIs defined in JSR
294. You should expect the snapshot will be updated periodically going
forwards, as we continue to evolve the implementation and adding many
more functionalities in the next few months.

We will continue to focus our discussions in this EG mailing list for
the JSR 277 specification. For those of you interested in discussing the
implementation in the Modules project, we have made two discussion lists
available to the Java community:

* modules-dev at
Technical discussion about the implementation of the Modules project

* modules-discuss at
General discussion of the Modules project and how to use modules

If you are interested in discussing the Modules project with its
developers, or in discussing how to use JSR 277 and JSR 294, be a
subscriber today!

- Stanley

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 13:48 +0100, Genevski, Pavel wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have any comments on my suggestions below ?
> And in addition, can you point me to the source code locations of the
> reference implementation of this JSR ? 
> Best Regards,
> Pavel Genevski
> Deployment Team
> SAP Labs Bulgaria
> Tel. +359 2 9157 133
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Java Community Process JSR #277 Expert List
> [mailto:JSR-277-EG at JCP.ORG] On Behalf Of Genevski, Pavel
> Sent: Wednesday, 17. October 2007 11:41
> To: JSR-277-EG at JCP.ORG
> Subject: Re: Thread context class loader...
> Hi,
> While we are talking about classloading I would like to add a few
> comments about the cyclic dependencies mentioned in section 8.3.4 of the
> spec. How do you imagine the classloading with cyclic dependencies? What
> are the benefits of allowing cyclic dependencies ? 
> In my opinion cylcic dependencies occur mostly because of bad system
> architecture and are always hard to handle. The tough questions that
> emerge with them are for example:
> - what should be built first
> - which classloader should be created first. 
> One obvious runtime solution for classloading of modules with cyclic
> dependencies is to have a common classloader for all the modules in the
> cycle, but are there enough benefits that come from cyclic dependencies
> that are worth doing this and breaking module isolation?
> Best Regards,
> Pavel Genevski
> Deployment Team
> SAP Labs Bulgaria
> Tel. +359 2 9157 133
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Java Community Process JSR #277 Expert List
> [mailto:JSR-277-EG at JCP.ORG] On Behalf Of Andy Piper
> Sent: Tuesday, 18. September 2007 12:44
> To: JSR-277-EG at JCP.ORG
> Subject: [LIKELY JUNK]Re: Thread context class loader...
> At 03:55 18/09/2007, Bryan Atsatt wrote:
> >Thoughts?
> Given our experience with OSGi I agree that this needs addressing. We
> have found, though, that the notion of a "thread of execution" is
> somewhat more amorphous in a non-JEE environment. In using
> Spring-OSGI we have found we often have to force the client
> classloader to be a delegate of the target bundle's, but there are
> issues with trying to actually make this switch happen. I'm wondering
> whether we actually need some VM-level support to make this work well.
> andy
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Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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