Exported resources

Stanley M. Ho Stanley.Ho at sun.com
Wed Jun 6 18:36:52 PDT 2007

Hi Bryan,

Bryan Atsatt wrote:
>> Suppose we say that resources like (a) should be exported while
>> resources like (b) should remain private (and we'll use the security
>> permission approach to allow module to access its own private
>> resources), do you think you can live with this?
> It isn't just me that can't live with it :^). You are correct that
> private *property-based* resources could be retrieved this way, but
> incorrect about *list-based* resources.
> "List-based" resources are... *Class* instances. Specifically, they are
> subclasses of ListResourceBundle. They must be loaded and instantiated
> by ResourceBundle.

Oops... I missed that. ;-)

> If ListResourceBundle subclasses are module private,
> ResourceBundle.getBundle() will fail. And we have no mechanism to grant
> access.

If some class needs access to non-public/exported details of another
class, you can always use privileged reflection. That is the solution
today and I expect it will be available with superpackages too. In other
words, it is possible for ResourceBundle.getBundle() to succeed. Of
course, it is still debatable whether changing ResourceBundle to use
privileged reflection to access ListResourceBundle in a module is the
right thing to do.

I think I begin to see your point. To elaborate on what you said, if
ListResourceBundle must be made exported, then it probably makes sense
to require property-based resources to be exported from the module as
well. If we go down this path, then all resources that are accessible by
the module itself or other modules should be made exported, and it won't
require the security permission approach to support it. Actually,
calling it "exported resource" would be misleading; what it really means
is "public resource" or "accessible resource" which can be accessed by
anyone, but nobody could access the "private resource" including the
module itself.

- Stanley

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