Import constraints

Stanley M. Ho Stanley.Ho at Sun.COM
Thu Jun 7 18:33:44 PDT 2007

Hi Bryan,

Bryan Atsatt wrote:
> ...
> By having Dependency extend Query, instances can be directly passed to
> Repository.find(); no conversion required. We could obviously just make
> a getter for the Query if we want, but why not make this convenient to use?

An import dependency describes the relationship between two modules. It
is true that we may want to query a module described in the import
dependency, but an import dependency itself is not a query. In fact,
someone may even want to query a module which contains the specific
import dependency, although I think this use case is very rare. Anyway,
it sounded like the main benefit to have import dependency extend query
is to make it easier to pass into Repository.find(). Unfortunately, once
a class is extended from another, all the public/protected
methods/fields from the parent class would automatically become part of
the signature of the child class. I don't think we want to pollute the
class hierarchy and potentially confuse developers just for a bit of
convenient. ;-)

> Second, I think we should eliminate VersionConstraint as a separate
> class. It's functionality is easy to replace with Query elements that
> match Version or VersionRange, strung together with appropriate boolean
> operators.

There are methods in VersionConstraint for determining if it contains a
specified version/version range/version constraint. These methods are
used heavily for version constraint override in module
initialization/import policy/import override policy, and they are not
suitable to be moved into the Query class. I think VersionConstraint
should stay as a separate class.

> Third, we should add a getExportedPackages() method to ModuleDefinition.
> This way a Query can easily be created to search by package name.
> Whether or not we choose to surface import-by-package declaratively, it
> should at least be possible for a ModuleSystem to use such a Query.

Having something like getExportedPackages() sounds reasonable from the
perspective of interoperability.

> Fourth, we should add support for simple attribute constraint
> declarations. Enabling simple equality constraints ought to be easy
> enough: an AttributeConstraint annotation that takes key/value lists
> (key1==value1;key2==value2;...). We already have support for expressing
> these as Query instances.

The Query class currently only supports querying arbitrary attributes at
the module level. Are you suggesting that we should let developers to
declare arbitrary attributes at the import? Could you come up with real
use cases for this in the context of 277 alone?

> Finally, Query ought to have a toString() implementation so that we can
> log them, examine in a debugger, put them in error messages, etc.

The Query.toString() will output a human readable string, and this is
already implemented in the RI.

- Stanley

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