Relationship to JSR 291 [was: Re: Bryan's comments]

Andy Piper andyp at
Mon Jun 11 05:55:13 PDT 2007

At 10:23 PM 6/8/2007, Stanley M. Ho wrote:
>Unless I miss something, this is the main use case that import-by-name
>would address. Developers can package all the classes related to a
>feature (e.g. networking, xml, swing, ejb, etc.) into a module, and it
>exports (or reexports from other modules) all the things you need; other
>developers who want to use the feature would simply import that module
>by name. In fact, this is how we intend to use the module system to
>modularize various components in the SE platform.

Ok so re-export is the key difference from OSGi here then. But this
raises the question, you now have two modules exporting the same
package, so how do you resolve this? Does the module system correctly
reconcile the classes as coming from the same source?


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